Intrigued by the bike video I started watching. First, I'm disgusted with the impatient people passing the cyclists on the Balclutha Bridge, gave me the heebeejeebies just watching it! Second, can someone please give the gentleman some pointers on pronouncing Te Reo Māori words. I may have been quicker to understand him saying Kaitangata 😅 I wonder if he spotted any Kai Rulz sgns on his travels and made the link?
Intrigued by the bike video I started watching. First, I'm disgusted with the impatient people passing the cyclists on the Balclutha Bridge, gave me the heebeejeebies just watching it! Second, can someone please give the gentleman some pointers on pronouncing Te Reo Māori words. I may have been quicker to understand him saying Kaitangata 😅 I wonder if he spotted any Kai Rulz sgns on his travels and made the link?
Ohh, ohh, I know where that photo is! Whaddayamean, I'm disqualified from answering? ;-)
Oh, so one of the tunnels he mentioned last week then?